Tuesday, September 07, 2004


today... the most exciting thing that happened was...

I talked to my mummy =) That was exciting... of course the content of the phone conversation was not as important as the fact that she was on the other end of the line! Hooray for mums. It has almost been decided though... i think i'm staying in tulsa for Christmas. =) Somebody say hi to me.... and somebody tell me that it'd be alright far away from home...

But it's been a good day. For those people that I got to talk to.... over the phone (jie, dad, mum), over the net (serene, daniel, ben, now isabel...), for people here (yiling, eileen, johanna, amanda and megan) and for people that i thought of but never got to talk to (brother, becks, hozea, kel... and more) I love you all. God has been so good to let me know you, and hearing from you guys has just brought joy to my heart.

so... it's past midnight, and i must stay with my attempt to not sleep too late and get enough rest.... especially cos tomorrow is a long day for me.. 7:30am- 11pm... I have something on... and so.. I'll be up by 6am and dunno when I'll get to bed! Goodnight all!

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