Tuesday, December 28, 2004


hey. I haven't posted for ages and ages. that's cos i've been happily sitting here in singapore....
ok.. not sitting. rather, rushing around madly meeting up with my beloved people and all that good stuff.

I've got just a couple of minutes before i go and start doing more important stuff to just random jot down interesting and good things
I love my family even though it really isn't easy spending time with thme sometimes.
I love someone else. haha =) a lot of people actually.
Becky my darlingest best friend is back. she misses thailand. but i'm glad she's home. singapore feels more complete with her around
Hozea... poor boy is tired and has to be in camp ALL day. thast makes me sad cos i don't get to see him! sigh.
Hazel... she's ok... just bored I guess.
My family went back to sabah yesterday
my house is clean, my clothes are washed and the area is packed. nice.
I am sniffing
I want to do something meaningful. I haven't sat and been nice and good for a long time.... just been rushing. which is fine.... but i need some down time.... meaningful down time.
haha. and of course. ARGH for the senior practicum that is not working out..

love you all. later!!! (when i get back to US ie. 5 jan)

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