Sunday, December 05, 2004

Come join me!

Dear friend, you are invited to join En'ai/ Jeanette (whatever your preference may be) on the 10th December.

hey people, this is an "official" invitation to come join me on my birthday! I don't know what I'll be doing...hahah but we'll be having some kind of meal somewhere at sometime. I know.. you need details... so do i! but unfortunately... i don't have them. SORRY! I kindly refer you to Kel. Ask Kel whats happening.

It's not a birthday party or something like that... please don't feel obliged to bring a gift... I just would love to see you. and that ... would be present enough. So please come! come empty handed, but full of love... and that will be more than sufficient to make me feel special.

=) 3 days. haha... the phrase "so close, yet so far" is truly apt for this moment.

well... i've got 4 major exams within that time, and a take home paper to complete... packing and cleaning and saying goodbye and "Merry Christmas" to my friends here, and then i'll be ready to leave.... home!!! HOME!

yeah. back to work on that paper!

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