Sunday, August 28, 2005

i feel burdened to ramble, so bear with me. Am currently reading three books (about 4 chapters a week) for an Honors class called Faith and Civilization... and it's been enlightening.

What struck me while reading is the how set apart Christian are from society, or popular culture. Many would say that they are antithetical and can never be fused together. The classic struggle, the world against the eternal.

The thing about Christians is not just that we follow Christ (though that must essentially be the most important part), it is not that we love each other and others, it's not even that we have a semblance of peace and hope that others cannot cling to. No... Being a Christian is to be called, to be holy, to be set apart.

Set apart in our worldview. Is there absolute truth? Would you believe that though 70+% of Americans profess to be Christians, only about 33% agree that there is absolute truth? If there is no Truth, then who is Jesus, what is the Bible and who on earth are we? If all roads lead to heaven then whose to say what's right and what's wrong?

Only God. If we can weight every "gray" issue against the clean pure white truth... then it wouldn't be gray anymore. Cos if you know what is white, whatever is not white, is not white. period.

It's so easy though, to convince ourselves that grey is close enough to white.

Yes, there are the big issues. Big issues like... premarital sex, homosexuality. abortion, divorce, cloning and war... But there are the little issues too...

I don't even know what i'm trying to say! I think that absolutes exist, and we better go and find out from God what they are, and then never let ourselves get even close to approaching grey.

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