Tuesday, January 11, 2005

say hi to the fam!

my family Posted by Hello

from left to right:
Chen Enhan Jonathan aka: jono, boy, jon, enhan, jon-jon. Aspiring musician, computer and math and science and english whiz (he's smart lah!), book-lover, computer games fan. Weapon of choice: squeezing various family members under the guise of a "hug". Really good boy though... considering he's 15 this year.
Tan Hang Khee aka: daddy, dad, father (to us), dear (to mum) and "hunky", uncle monkey, alan, and more to friends and all. God-fearing, hardworking, sporty, bold and brave pioneer. Does everything, wants to make everything right. Loves to play board games, do crosswords (indoor) and then spend every other second outdoor... hiking, playing basketball, soccer, golf... what-have-you-nots. Lately, daddy's been very affectionate.
Victoria Tan aka : mummy, mum, mumsy, mother! (to us), dear (to dad). God-loving, flag-raising, spirit-filled, praying mother. Loves us, brought us up well. Has her ridiculous moments of buying ah-ma clothes, getting excitable and pointing out things she wants. Love to call her by all variations of "mum", especially when i'm whiny. ooh... mommy can cook really well... and dance too!
Chen En'Ai Jeanette aka: er-jie (to jono), 'ai (to jie), en'ai (to dad) and nanette (to mum). The latter is unfortunate. Happy laughy one, creative, helpful. Apple, pineapple, strawberries and fruit fan. Refer to comments below.
Chen En-hui Elizabeth aka: da, jie, dajie, sis, sissssssie (when i'm whiny), enhui (to dad and mum), miko (to relatives). Smart, generous, wise, talented, godly, independant. Parents defer to her for decisions at times. Right place, right time. Jie's the best dajie on earth! Lately, she's been through alot. Strong and yet broken. Closest to me.

It's hard writing about myself as part of my family. I don't know if I have an accurate assessment of what my family thinks of me. Officially, I am the fashion consultant (what shirt matches? what skirt should I buy? which colour ah?), the "pretty" one (cos I mean... i guess that's all i'm good for!), the artsy one (can you draw this for me? enai, help me color. I want a shirt with glittery flowers ok?) and the fruit-cutter and eater. But i'm also the flighty and stray one. My family constantly reminds me (don't get lost, where are you going? what are you doing? why are you giggling? make sure you come back ah!). I think they like me being helpful (i do the cooking when i'm back in sabah), but they also think I get too involved with other people.

I'm closer to my mum and my sis. Jie and I have been through alot together- we stayed on our own... and still do whenever we are back in singapore together. She's a year older than me. We talk, email, msg, skype and pray. I'd be such a mess if God did not give me my jie. I love spending time with my mumsy her when she's around... she's awesome and I know she loves me, even when she doesn't support everything I do. She's my mum and still needs to be the one who holds the rod firmly.

I am thankful for my family though. For my godly heritage, for my upbringing. For the sheltered life I had, and have... and for the letting go that they have been willing to go through. For the love that has helped me to find God's love, and has helped me to pour out love to others. God, =) Thank You. Be glorified in us.

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