Monday, September 12, 2005

slightly off... if you know what I mean?

This has been a weird day.

I had a bad night, to get up (note i did not say wake up) and find that things are dark and dreary for Hozea back home.

Then work was a chore and a bore.. photocopying some more (yes, it rhymes)... and well, the boss was kinda weird again... kept teasing me...

Finally decided that i will come home, only to find that my air ticket that i found last night is no longer available... sigh.

And then to top it off, Eileen and I finally called this guy whom we heard to be a Singaporean and left msg on his phone... but then when i called back again, he claimed he was not that guy. So weird. I guess he thought he has stalkers or something!


anyway, back to ma revision de francais et les devoirs necessaires! bleah.


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Anonymous said...

Dear Enai,
This is Dad
Sua Ku me, do not know how to use your web
Anyway, write just to say we are very proud of you. You definitely have the artistic part of your mum and creativity of your Dad. Whatever, we are proud of you Jeanette. PTL