Saturday, October 16, 2004

fall break is coming to an end...

argh... let's see what have i done this break?

  • I have fallen sick, and gotten well within 2 days (Praise God)
  • I've been to Dallas and back... where I bought (besides food) a windbreaker, a pair of tevas, 2 long sleeved t-shirts and a correlle dining set for my mummy.
  • I've done alot of assignments, and have a couple more to go.
  • I've done like 10 practicum hours this week.
  • I've run 1.5 miles twice (latest time is 12.09) and walked it once, and played badminton 3 times. Tomorrow we're playing again.
  • I've read 5 story books... in a row... =P the Redemption series by Katherine Kingsbury. It's considered "Christian Inspirational". I'll say more later.
  • I've eaten A TON of food. That includes chinese food, cheesecake, snacks (pringles, pocky, seaweed, wang-wang, yanyan... the list goes on), ice-cream, caramel apples and oh! cereal and bread.
  • I've recieved a package from my jie, filled with good things. =)

but the highlight highlight of the week? was sitting in my room... sitting infront of this computer chatting to people back home. especially... yes =) especially you!

ok... so let me say something in defense of my "Christian Inspirational" novels, which can be read as boring, conventional, predictable, sappy love stories that have God in them. Yes and no... I like them because they are clean, they can make me cry and still feel hopeful, and God is always there in the thick of it. Maybe i'm narrow-minded... but i like clean, happy stories where even if it's not a perfect world, there's a perfect God. That's real life in the right perspective for me. I don't want to read trashy novels or thrillers... or some other books because sure, what they write about may be real life, but it comes from a world-view which is isn't God oriented... and can make me cynical, sick or taint me. So am i being a freak? haha.... i have a best friend who reads GOOD books... good literary type, solid stuff which i enjoy too. But she loves. And you know what? I love that about her. She's intellectual.... born to be smart and to engage. I've moved past trying to think i'm like that. I'm just a normal girl who loves to be cheered up by nice love stories that make me warm and fuzzy inside. What better to do that than a book that has God on every page but is real too? =P

yup. reading those books has inspired me though. I'm inspired to want to have a Godly family. one with close ties. i'm learning that parents are important. and i think i appreciate mine more too. because despite all the mistakes we make, time and time again... nobody else is watchign out for us like them... and they are praying for us too... Maybe you dont think so.... but really... christian parents are a blessing. Thank you Mummy and Daddy!


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