Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Truth vs fact

someone asked me "how do you identify yourself" yesterday.. and then I didn't get a chance to answer. So... i you are still wondering.

I identify myself through the truth. I am a child of God. I am wonderfully made, precious and worthy of blessings. I have dominion, power and authority. I also am human, and am perfected in God's eyes.

What about all my characteristics? My personality? My passions? Are those not part of my identity? Well.. I thought long and hard about it... and my answer would be... they are not part of my true identity. See... here is the difference. Truth and fact are not the same thing. For example... ok... for example. Some people tell me i'm stubborn. That's a fact. The truth is that I am a person to whom God has given the capability to discern. The Bible says I have the mind of Christ. So... while i exhibit certain characteristics.... that is not who I truly am.

What if there's some discrepancy? Since we can't always be Bible-perfect people... well that's something that i'm working on. It's not part of who I truly am though... it's merely part of what I exhibit here right now... and a leopard can change his spots! doesn't make him a tiger... but he can change his spots! and.... well Jesus is the truth Himself, and He will begin to change you so that you don't have that struggle between whether your characteristics exhibit your identity... we all have to work at that... getting the truth to set us free from being trapped in our own sin...

Even good things that I know I have characteristics of... for example... being friendly... that's not my identity... that's just a characteristic.. it could change... and I could become not so friendly.. and I'll still be a God-created, wonderfully made child of God.

ok... so that's my truth vs fact, identity vs personality blog for today. =) ask me, comment me.... if you wanna say stuff... please!


Serene Huang said...

hmm, that's deep! but yesh, I get the drift. In fact, it's very relevant to something I was just thinking about recently... will tell u more abt it when I see you online k! =) Cheers!

Anonymous said...

i understand what you just said jeanette! =) thanks for reminding me about the TRUTH and the FACT stuff =) hmmmmm. =) i have a better BIGGER picture of the how do you identify yourself question now.. and it let me see things from another perspective- God's perspective. =) so now, just to get things clear.. waht you are trying to say is that a FACT CAN change.. but the TRUTH doesnt? =)

enai said...

smart! yup... and your identity in Christ never changes either. =) Praise God for that... or we'll all be kinda lost yah?