Monday, October 18, 2004

story time

I think God is good. more than good. God is the God of over-and-above, more-than-more-than-enough, spilling-over, uncountable, awesome-kind of good.

let me tell you a story. There was this girl (lets call her A) who was brought by Sharon jie to camp. Another girl (called B) bunked with them and another girl. B was always busy with church camp stuff, so never really got to know A very well... but that was the beginning of something...

about 1-2 years later, A and B find themselves in the same discipleship group. They met every friday night to learn about God, and to be trained as leaders. A and B also began to lead sunday school worship in turns. For some time, A and B spent alot of time talking about God, building up faith, encouraging each other, going to seminars together, A helping B with schoolwork and writing letters. But... somewhere, something happened... and it all stopped.

B really missed A but never had a chance to say it. She never was brave enough. A never knew.

Then one day, something changed... A and B began to email each other and chat online (sorry ah... cant remember who emailed first... I think you right?? =P) and all of a sudden, truths began to spill out. The air was cleared of misunderstandings, the ground was laid ripe for a deeper friendship...

I think that was about 8 months ago. Haha. You know who A and B are right? (guess, give you a clue... one starts with a S-----) yah! I think God is amazing because at that time when we weren't being good friends to each other, I felt so helpless. One day, i'll read you my journal from back then. I'm sure your name pops out a couple of times.... more.... I prayed, and I was kinda sad that i did not hold on. But God does the amazing.

Beauty from Ashes.

doesn't that make you go WOW?

so let me tell you an accompanying story. About the other girl in our camp room... lets call her C. B and C had been childhood friends, though B could not remember her. But somewhere that had gotten lost as well, and they had only got to know each other better a year ago. But back then, B and C were good friends, they studied together, they hung out in BAY together and in sunday school too. So much so that C's then best friend got jealous.

B and C had a BIG HUGE MEGA fight one day. One that lasted almost an entire year. B was devastated... by the rejection of her love, the rejection of her apologies... all the time being blind to the pain she was still causing C. One beautiful Christmas though... Christ's love healed all that, and B and C forgave, and put it behind them.

They went back to being good friends. Really close friends. Through the really tough times... and I do not mean exams. But serious tough, dry times.... alone times. Ups and downs. Downs and ups.

But things change between friends, and as work and studies and friends and family and BAY and church and all crept into their lives... things changed. But God was still good. Because change is not bad dear. It didn't change the love B has for C, and it didn't change the love God has for the both of them, or the love that C has for B. It only changed the way they expressed it.

So C! (listen up!) B has something to say to you... something she says all the time. And no... she's not going to tell you that you are being __________. She's sorry she made you feel that way. She wants to say "you know, i love you, and i'm going to try to be there for you every time I can. But i'm just human dear. But God... God is there for you 24-7 even when I'm not". And C does not just have B as her friend, she has A too. and she has many many others... guess who? Like K-- and B---- and B-- and A--- and so so so many more.

and trust me. You. You are beauty from ashes.

ok. and that's the end of my story telling. =)

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