Friday, June 25, 2004

to someone i love

Dearest friend,

It's been ages since we last got a chance to meet up and talk, or at least that's how it seems. We've been through alot, and in a way, we still are going through it. but I know that we'll both come out stronger. I long to tell you that friendships ought to be natural and come easy, but I guess after all... maybe not. I'm glad that you haven't given up on me though, because I don't want to give up on you.

We've known each other for many years now.. and I want to tell you, if I haven't told you enough, that I'm so very proud of you. You've matured and grown, into a beautiful young lady, with a lot of potential to grow even more. You've made it through really bad times, and God has been there. You've made it through really good times, and God has been there. So I know, that in the future, God will be there too!
I wanna give you a BIG hug and tell you that I love you. And you don't have to be perfect to be my good friend. I'm not anything worthy of that anyway. But I am glad that we can both be around to love each other. =)*hug* I love you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, i also always wanna tell you that no matter what i really am glad that i have you as a good friend and that you'll always there. and i love you loads too and i know that one day we will come to that level where all this problems wont exist. lets work at it together, ok? well anyway its been a real blessing to have you as a friend. thanks once again babe! :)