Thursday, August 12, 2004

sappy stories...

so the freshmen have come in... and while there are only 3 freshmen on my wing, i guess i've lucked out and one of them has a boyfriend! =) so we were up late on tuesday night... despite being really tired and just gone, listening to her love story.

I actually like hearing love stories. I'm pretty sure I do at least... that night though, I felt like I wanted to cry. Maybe it was the overwhelming tiredness... or maybe just feeling awkward cos I was the odd one out... or maybe just maybe... I'm tired of not being able to be in her place.

This is her story. She met he at a conference for high school seniors like 6 months back. She was getting frustrated at the speaker and was looking at the clock. He thought she was looking at him (egocentric male =) sorry...). She felt bad, and the next day, encouraged by friends, she went to find him and apologise. He thought that he had known her and forgot who she was, but talked to her like he knew who she was. She began chatting to him online and text messenging. All this time, he liked another girl. But, when it came to a special night (prom night), she went with him. He discovered that he loved her and she was more precious because she actually liked him too. They fell in love... and 2 months ago, he asked her to be his girlfriend. Sad thing is that he is elsewhere, and she is here.

So there. Guy finds out that he's being stupid and the right girl was standing right there infront of him all the time. She is awesome and forgives him. More than that, that girl is really good for him... she encourages him and helps him to grow, and he is grateful to her for that. He keeps striving to be more and more godly.

It's an encouraging love story. Not particularly the one I want. Kinda tough loving someone and being on the side watching him be with someone else... =) but some sort of a love story with a nice ending would be good. So anyway.. I felt like crying.. and i went back to my room and cried... but that's ok. it's thurday now and i'm not crying! haha...

okie.. that's my sappy whining for today. Thanks for putting up with me guys..
haha.. =)

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