Monday, July 21, 2008

Hello Hongkong!

I'll be travelling to Hong Kong tomorrow... and I'm kinda happy about it. Haha... because it gives me a break. Strangely enough, the feeling of being busy never changes despite where you are. And so... even though I willingingly came to LN, and I do like interacting with the students... the need for reprieve is ever present. I guess the One above knew that I would need it.

Imagine that! travelling is a break! hahaha... the old enai hates travelling to the core and rather not travel at all... yet somehow I am learning joy in this. strange.

and yes. PLEASE REMEMBER us here. crasy things have been happening, proving to us that though He is victorious, the evil one somehow enjoys crippling us from time to time. sadistic really.

- Wen Ying got locked into the toilet and took an hour plus before they dismantled the door knob and rescued her. She was pretty darn scared.
- The photocopier's "toner life" ended! after one week and less than two reams of copies. It's supposed to print 10, 000 copies.
- Washing machine is broken.. takes more than 6 hours to wash clothes
- Frequent electricity cut-offs....
- Students who don't want to learn but are forced and go through alot of hazzle and emotional turmoil.

grr! Get behind us!!!! That's all I wanna say. Whatever it is, we will persevere.... until I have no more life (since my voice has gone).


Unknown said...

Hey Ai,

keeping you and all there in pra-er and remembering you. Be safe!

Love and miss you dear...

Take care :)

Anonymous said...

OEI!! what in the world.. why do i have any resemblence to the duckssssssssssss!! QUAK!!!

enai said...

you like animals mah... nobody said you look like a duck.. that one you say yourself one!!