Friday, July 11, 2008

in Liannan FINALLY!!!

Am finally in Liannan. How I got here is truly by grace alone. Though it was in all human terms a very uncomfortable journey, I acutally am not too traumatised by it. In fact, if I had to, I would do it again, of course not by my own might or power, but really by grace alone.

I left for Babu (eight steps) on a 8:30am bus that was supposed to take 3.5 hrs. We took 6 hours. Since I was informed that there was only 4 buses from Babu to Lianzhou a day, I was concerned I would not make the transit in time. I reached Babu at 2:30pm instead of 12pm. The bus driver was not very helpful and couldn't tell me how to get a ticket for a Lianzhou bus. The police guard told me that I could only get a bus from Dongzhan (east station). I was told to take a "San Lun Che" (3-wheel car) there.

Heh.. again by grace I found an aunty riding a tricycle who brought me there for 5 yuan. At Dongzhan, the ticketing officer was very nice and gave me a good seat on the last bus at 3:30pm! The bus was a non-airconditioned, small bus with no luggage compartment and no rules. But thank G-d, it was a beautiful day, not too hot with plenty of nice scenery. I was so grateful to be next to the window where I could stick my head out when the smoking got too bad and breathe some fresh air.

I actually heard the bus uncle say that he couldn't stop in Liannan in cantonese (Lin Nam), but he was kind enough to drop me at the Guang Chang in Liannan 3.5 hrs later at 7:30pm. There, to my delight, I was greeted by Ah Lian and Huili.

Everyone (Mum, Ah Lian, Huili, Uncle Yew Fook, Siow Jen) all say I was very brave. But I am not. And I shall boast in my weakness… I HATE travelling.. and I am/was scared of travelling all alone in unfamiliar ground. But… there is the One above who takes such good care of me… and in His faithfulness I will glory.

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