Wednesday, September 22, 2004

funny random thoughts and things that have happened.... maybe not so funny ones too...

1) I got asked if I was interested in "hooking up" with a friend of this guy (whom i've met only once) because he really "digs" asian girls... and I'm a "nice asian girl". So... "you interested"???
that freaked me out big time... but i TRIED to gracefully decline.... probably ended up looking like a sputtering 6 year old... but that's ok. It was just hilariously random, yet freaky.

2) I've done my design project wrong, not once, not twice.... but three times! I keep making mistakes.... and I can't figure out why... But that's ok... cos my professors has been really nice and accomdating... haha.. he says he admires my "tenacity". I think he was just sick of seeing me at his door for the 3rd time saying "Mr Latta... I did it wrong again...."

3) This guy from my church here in tulsa, asks Eileen who he's met like 3 times... if there was anything going on between me and another guy! Haha.. and i think thats really random because... firstly.... the guy who asked eileen? I mean, he's never asked me! secondly... there's nothing going on. Of course... evil Eileen was like "you think leh??" and played around with him a bit till he got frustrated. I think guys are so weird sometimes.

4) I am going to get some time to drive today! that was random. Yiling just popped by to tell me that. Now, that's really on the spur of the moment....

5) I am so tired nowadays that i encounter alot of miscommunication. Like people say things and I get upset and then somewhere during the next day or what I figure out that it was all a big mistake. So... note to all out there... if you say something to me? say it TWICE. and then check if i understand you right. =)

ok... and now for the concluding thought of the day. I miss home. I wanna go home.... fall is apparently here and thank God the cold weather wont come for a couple more weeks... BUT. It's not just the weather. It's the people. And I miss home... and when I'm in a mood like this, I can almost justify the $1300 that it would take to get me back. BUT. well, eileen and I aren't going home, and I only have a little more than 7 months to bear it out. 3 1/2 months have gone by pretty fast... so... =) God is good. Therefore everything in my life will align to that!

seeya! bye!

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