Friday, September 17, 2004

gosh.... i've cried twice today. I feel so weak and useless.... and all i want is someone to listen to me and let me know that everything I am going through, well it's only human and that they'll be there just to hear me out. It's s hard to actually find someone who is willing to look past their own problems to listen to mine. I know... cos i find it hard to do too...

I guess that's why God is God. Because only He can give perfect love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear jeanette,

i understand exactly how you feel (: but i want to let you know that its OKAY to cry! (: everybody cries (*sings*) yups. and that God will always stand by you. and he crys when you cry too. remember- we are created in his image! so if we can cry.. God can too (: i probably won't understand what you are going through now but i know God does! (: and he loves you more than anything you can ever imagine. and he wants to listen too you're problems too! there's nothing too big God cannot handle! and he'll be you're rock and you're foundation.. someone you can depend on unconditionally! (: i love you jeanette! ((: and though you're really far from home now.. you'll always be in my heart! (: i miss you! hope to see you soon!!

love ya loads,
Abby (: